Salmonella in Jensen Tuna Sold in Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, and Washington Part of Larger Salmonella Outbreak linked to JK Fish

Salmonella in Jensen Tuna:  Import alert announced for recalled ground tuna as salmonella outbreak identified – linked to JK Fish of Vietnam

Frozen ground tuna linked to salmonella illnesses was recalled on April 15 based on Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigations that found some of the tuna was contaminated with salmonella. On May 9, the source of the contaminated ground tuna, JK Fish of Vietnam, was added to the FDA’s Import Alert, which allows the agency to detain the product without physical sampling and analysis.

Jensen Tuna, based in Louisiana, distributed the tuna to Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, and Washington. Health officials advise that the potentially contaminated frozen ground tuna product could have been redistributed further to additional states across the country. Jensen Tuna sources the frozen ground tuna from JK Fish of Vietnam.

The recalled ground tuna was primarily used in food dishes prepared and sold by restaurants and retailers and was probably not sold directly to consumers. Distribution was through individually packaged in one-pound bags and sold in 20-pound boxes under lot numbers z266, z271, and z272.

Salmonella in Jensen Tuna: Tuna contaminated with salmonella caused illnesses in 13 people in Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, New York, and Washington, with 2 hospitalizations. The last illness onset was reported on March 20, 2019.

The FDA, CDC, and local health investigators advise that restaurants and retailers check with their suppliers and not sell or serve the recalled ground tuna from Jensen Tuna, sourced through JK Fish of Vietnam. Consumers with concerns should ask their restaurants and retailers whether the tuna dish they are purchasing contains the recalled ground tuna.

For more information about Salmonella in Jensen Tuna or to speak to a

Salmonella Lawyer

, call 1-888-335-4901.

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