News of E. Coli Outbreak Spreading: E. coli Lawsuits Prepared as Investigators Get Closer to Finding Source

Multi-state e. coli
outbreak numbers increase – source still unknown

An e. coli outbreak that began in Kentucky has spread to multiple states, with the number of illnesses and hospitalizations increasing. Eight people have now been hospitalized for e. coli contamination. Across 5 states, 72 people have been infected with an outbreak strain of e. coli O103. Additional illnesses are expected to be reported as the investigation continues. As of NOW, according to the experienced e. coli lawyers at Ron Simon & Associates, no source has been found, but that is very likely to change.

As such, the

experienced e. coli lawyers

at Ron Simon & Associates are already drafting the lawsuits for victims in the e. coli O103 outbreak. As experienced e. coli lawyers, they know that the CDC, state and local health agencies will eventually trace the source and that litigation of behalf of so many injured victims will be necessary to compensate the victims and prevent this form happening again.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, and the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration are investigating the e. coli outbreak. Health
officials from five states are also participating in the ongoing investigation.

Illnesses have been reported in Georgia (8), Kentucky (36), Ohio (5), Tennessee (21), and Virginia (2). Although initially the outbreak was thought to be related to food distribution, possibly fast food, a specific food item, grocery store, or restaurant chain has not been identified as the source of infections. This, says experienced

e. coli lawyer Tony Coveny, PhD

, is not that uncommon: “In many outbreaks that

Ron Simon

and I have handled, the source is not identified until long into the investigation. This is because finding the source is a matter of using statistically analysis and traceback investigations, which take a lot of data. Each newly reported illness is yet another data point that enable researchers and investigators to trace the source of the E. coli O103.”

Reported illnesses related to the e. coli outbreak began
between March 2, 2019, and March 29, 2019. Although the people who have become
ill range in age from 1 to 74 years, the median age is 17. Initial reports
pointed to younger people and teenagers as the majority of e. coli victims. State
and local public health officials are interviewing ill people to determine what
they ate and other exposures in the week before their illness started.

At this time, the CDC is not recommending that consumers avoid any particular food. Restaurants and retailers are not advised to avoid serving or selling any particular food as yet. However, that may change as the investigation continues and the potential source of the e. coli is identified.

For more information about e. coli, about an e. coli lawsuit or to speak to an experienced e. coli lawyer, call 1-888-335-4901.

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