People are still getting food poisoning – including Listeria and E. coli. In fact there are two such major outbreaks in the U.S. at present, including an outbreak of E. coli that has been traced to sprouts (mostly clover sprouts, though all sprouts have long history of transmission of food borne illness), and an outbreak of Listeria linked to imported mushrooms. Neither are receiving much news coverage, however, due to the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic is in full force. With thousands dying, sometimes in a single day, this is understandable. But, says Food poisoning lwyer Ron Simon, “we need to remain vigilant because food poisoning in also kills an estimated three thousand Americans every year.”
Clearly Covid is more serious, at least for the nation writ large, but those who get
Listeria food poisoning
can also suffer devastating loss, including still births, miscarriages, and death following episodes of meningitis. Listeria is so dangerous because, unlike other bacteria, it can pass the neonatal and blood/brain barriers, making people with sensitive immune systems (such as pregnant women) highly susceptible. Ron Simon has represented many with listeriosis, including one patient who developed debilitating dementia following consuming caramel apples tainted with listeria and victims of the a recent ice cream listeria outbreak in which people died after consuming listeria-contaminated ice cream.
E. coli food poisoning
can be deadly. While most e. coli victims survive without long-term health concerns, many others develop
hemolytic uremic syndrome
(HUS) which can be life-threatening or require life-long medical treatment. At present, Ron Simon is lead attorney for all the victims who acquired E. coli from attending a petting zoo in California. He is also representing victims of the E. coli outbreak linked to clover sprouts.
Covid will impact all of out lives, and most of us will have family members of close friends who acquire (and hopefully recover fully) from Covid-19. But at the same time, consumers need to stay vigilant against common food borne pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria. If you or your loved ones become ill from food poisoning, it is essential that you seek a stool culture or other medical attention – a difficult thing during the Covid pandemic. There are options for telephonic meetings with a physician, and then picking up a stool collection kit for drop off ans testing. Preventing illness and knowing whether you have become ill from food remains of great importance even in the midst of a pandemic like Covid.
The attorneys of Ron Simon & Associates offer theirs thoughts and prayers to those personally affected by the Covid pandemic, and their help to those who need legal representation after becoming gill from food poisoning.