Cooper’s Hawk Winery Cyclospora Lawyer: At Present the Outbreak is Limited to Jacksonville Restaurant

Cooper’s Hawk Winery

Cyclospora Lawyer


Coopers Hawk Winery and Restaurant in Jacksonville, Florida has been identified to be linked to a cyclospora outbreak with 80 people reporting ill so far – other patrons, at different locations, have also reported illnesses, but tests are pending and no conclusive link has yet been established. The law firm of

Ron Simon & Associates

is currently investigating those other claims.

The Cooper’s Hawk Winery Cyclospora outbreak in Florida began when many patrons began feeling ill after eating at the restaurant in mid-June. A large number of the reported cases of the outbreak were from members of the Exchange Club, who held a banquet at the restaurant and began feeling ill after consuming food during the event.

80 patrons are claiming to have experienced food poisoning after eating at the restaurant, and the number of cases of patrons who began feeling ill after eating at Coopers Hawk Winery keeps increasing. Many of the patrons who began feeling ill tested positive for cyclospora.

Tony Coveny, Ph.D. is an attorney with Ron Simon & Associates. He is the Chief editor of the Ron Simon & Associates Blog and the widely read blog

Cyclospora is a parasite that is most common in the tropical regions closer to the equator. A national

Cyclospora lawyer

stated “Given the large amount of imported food, cyclospora is a parasite that just last year infected over 500 people in the

McDonald’s Cyclospora outbreak

after McDonald’s salads were found to be contaminated throughout the mid-west leading to withdrawal of salads at 300 McDonald locations.”

According to the


the period between becoming infected and becoming sick is usually around 1 week.  Cyclospora symptoms may include:

Any patron who has eaten at Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant on Big Island Drive near the St. Johns Town Center in Jacksonville, Florida on June are encouraged to seek medical attention.

Ron Simon


national Cyclospora lawyer

noted, the vast majority of the illnesses do not get identified easily and often have to return for medical attention on several occasions before a proper Cyclospora screen is performed. Cysclospora is not found in a stool culture or even a traditional ova and parasite screen.  A full Gastrointestinal Panel looking for Cyclospora is required, and often the search must be repeated several times.

For more information about a Cooper’s hawk Winery & Restaurant

Cyclospora lawsuit

, to speak to a Cooper’s Hawk Winery Cyclospora Lawyer, or discuss

cyclospora lawsuits

or claims generally, call 1-888-335-4901.

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